Roadside Honour Stand
We decided to make a small batch of 2023 cider and the honour stand is open with cider only. Unfortunately we do not have freshly picked apples this year.
We hand pick our tasty variety of apples: Macintosh, Empire, and Red Delicious. We then weigh them and Separately package the varieties into 4 pound bags. The convenient draw string bags are then put into our roadside honour stand for purchase. The stand is located just outside the Orchard at 2249 2nd Concession (just search "Apples of Glasgow" in Google Maps). You can always tell when the stand is open if you can see the inside of the doors painted bright red! The honour part comes into play as you grab a bag of apples after putting exact change into the red tool box or sending an e-transfer. Buying a bag? Put $10 into the red toolbox located inside the stand. Buying 4 bags? put $40 into the red tool box. You get the drill! MacIntosh are available at the stand early September, Empire apples are available at the stand mid-September, and Red Delicious are available at the stand early October. ​​
Sweet apple Cider will be available in the roadside honour stand from the day it is produced (early October) until the first snowfall or until supplies last. looking to buy one box of cider? put your cash in the slot in the red tool box located inside the wood stand and take your cider! To learn more about how the cider is produced and how to store your cider, click here.